iPhone 8 Ring

This week we celebrated the launch of the iPhone 8. Patrick is a huge apple fanboy, so we knew we had to do something to celebrate the launch. We decided that the perfect tribute was to create a ring out of the iPhone 8.

This wouldn't have been possible without the waterjet channel. Make sure you go check them out. They are also giving away the ring we made out of an iPhone 7 as a proof of concept. Here's a link to their video where you can see the iPhone 8 get cut with the waterjet as well as enter that giveaway:


In Patrick's video, we explore the actual process of making the ring. This would have never been possible if we hadn't experimented with the two resin rings last week. Learning the resin casting process was critical for us to make the iPhone ring. Resin casting was crucial because the ring does not stay in solid pieces after it gets cut. The iPhone "ring blank" actually falls apart. While it can be glued back together, this still doesn't give it the structural integrity needed to machine it into a ring. The easiest solution for this was to resin cast the ring. This allows the resin to provide additional support to the iPhone and make it machinable. The major difference between the resin casting you'll see in this video and the videos from last week is the pressure pot. This week we used Alumilite for the resin casting. We made this change because we wanted to make sure the video got out ASAP, and the other resin takes 24 hours to cure.  

The rest of this ring making process was very similar to the rest of our other rings; however, this video was expensive. In order to subsidize the video, we are actually selling a slightly used iPhone 8 on eBay. The iPhone does have some slight water damage and a few minor scratches, but I'm confident that its nothing Apple can't fix.  


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  • David Banning

    I loved the video you made on this ring and it has surprised me that you found a new use for phones.

  • Marc Dannemeyer


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