Building an Ikea Hack Bed frame

This week was a busy week at the Patrick Adair Design office. We've been slammed with orders since moving websites and are currently working hard to make sure that we keep up with the orders. 

Our video this week is a little different style of video then normal. Rather than showing the creation of a product from our store, we are showing how Patrick created an Ikea Hack bed frame. The main idea behind this build was creating a cheap yet sturdy frame that allowed Patrick to upgrade from a twin bed to a queen bed without losing all of his storage space. The solution was to create storage space underneath the bed; however, nice quality bed frames with storage solutions are really expensive.  

The bed frame we were trying to out perform was made by Prepac and can be found on Amazon for $535. This was the bed frame that looked like it would match the style of the room and provide the most storage. The Prepac bed frame had a lot of negative reviews saying that the construction felt flimsy, and Patrick wanted to be able to have more storage space than offered by this particular bed frame.

We found an easy solution by using Ikea. Ikea's MALM dressers were perfect. These dressers are only 30" tall but still have 6 drawers on the large option and 3 drawers on the small option. This allows for more storage with the trade off being a slightly higher mattress. We purchased two large dressers and one small dresser for this build. The dressers only cost $460. Allowing for us to create a base with more storage and still have space in the budget for a bed frame. 

Our bed frame was the Zinus Essential Upholstered Platform Bed Frame from Amazon. This bed frame cost us $100 at the time; however, it currently looks like it is out of stock. This bed frame was perfect because it had removable feet and allowed for us to keep the height as small as possible for the build.The bed frame required supports in the center but Home depot had the perfect remedy. We were able to get a 6 foot 4" x 4" for only $20. This was easily cut in half to create two supports that could be added to the center of the build.  

The one thing that made a build like this easier was my new mattress. Leesa mattress supplied us with a free mattress to review. This was amazing because Leesa mattresses don't require a box spring. Not having a box spring was ideal because the height of the build was already fairly tall and the extra 6+ inches of a box spring would push the build past our desired height limit. The other amazing thing is that the Leesa mattress is incredibly comfortable. Patrick has been raving about how huge of an improvement it is from his old mattress. On top of this, we only like to work with companies that we truly believe in and Leesa mattress does some really amazing things for the global community. If you guys are in need of a comfortable mattress, we highly recommend Leesa. We also highly recommend you use the code PATRICKADAIR to get $75 off. 

As a disclaimer, the price of the mattress would have been excluded from the build anyway because the product we were trying to outperform also requires you purchase a mattress. We were extremely satisfied with this build. The dressers provide more storage space, and the third shorter dresser allows for there to be an accessible crawl space under the bed that can be used for storage. While the build is a little tall, the dressers are extremely sturdy and allow for an easy foot step to get into bed. The bed frame has a low profile and is also extremely sturdy with only the minimal additions of legs. This allowed us to create a significantly better bed frame for only  $45 dollars more making it $580. 

If you didn't see our video on this, you can check it out at The Patrick Adair Designs YouTube channel.

rough layout of bed frame


  • Chelsie Cabrera

    Is this still holding up well? I was thinking of doing this but I’m not sure since this post is so old

  • Chelsie Cabrera

    Is this still holding up well? I was thinking of doing this but I’m not sure since this post is so old

  • Lewis

    I’ll post a really rough sketch for you. Make sure you place supports in the center.

  • Troyce

    What is the layout you had?

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